The Gujarat state board of Indian Drug Manufacturers Association has urged the state and central governments to extend the current deadline for the Schedule M and Schedule T compliances. The Association pointed out that several units are already in the process of upgrading their facilities according to the requirements of the cGMP regulation. Hence these units would need some more time to complete their already started compliance project.
"Hence the government should give discretionary consideration to units those have initiated the modernization work to complete the process, so that more units especially in the SSI sector would be able to comply with the quality requirements," said N C Dalal, chairman, IDMA GSB.
This state chapter, which represents 170 units from the State of Gujarat, has already taken up this issue with the concerned authorities for resolving the same in right direction.
Due to globalization, which has changed the competency of the small entrepreneurs, Association arranges "Face to Face" meetings for the technology transfer. The Association's vigilance is to keep the member units aware of the national and international development and expose the prospective units by way of interactive meeting. Association deal with the problems of Finance, Excise, Budget and Marketing and are discussed face to face in the meeting and try to solve the same.
At the same time the Association carries out the activities like Spot Guides, Development Programmes, Workshop and Seminars. "Association always believe in representing right causes of the pharma industries and its motto is service to them," he added.
The state chapter, which was established in the year 1979, under the Chairmanship of I. A. Modi of Cadila Pharmaceutical Ltd, has had his successors like Shri Ravjibhai P. Patel of Allied Pharmaceutical Labs., Baroda, Pankaj R. Patel, Ketan R. Patel, Dr. Dushyant R. Patel, Deepak J. Padia and Kamlesh Udani before N C Dalal took over this year.
As a State level Association, it has been active in resolving general issues pertaining to Pharma industries. Association is having a closed rapport with the Central & State Government. Similarly, Association maintains close cordial relations with various financial institutions of the State. Association is actively studying the problems like Finance, Power, Pollution, Sales Tax and unhealthy interference in laws and Rules. Association hold Seminars, Workshops and Interactive Sessions to educate members. Due to the implementation of Schedule-M, lot of works have been done to educate the members of the units.
The state chapter also has publications like Members Directory of IDMA (Gujarat State Board), List of Pharmaceuticals Manufacturers' of Gujarat
- All India Members' List (IDMA), D.P.C.O. (Price List), Suggested List of SOP as per Rev. Sch. "M"-C.D and G.M.P-G.W.P. & G.L.P on CD
The current office bearers include Narendra. C. Dalal (Chairman), Shailesh N. Chokshi, (Vice Chairman), Bhavin A. Patel ( Hon. Secretary) and P. H. Patel (Hon. Treasurer).